Day Three Agenda

January 22, 2025
Morning / Afternoon

Morning - Concurrent Sessions

9:30-10:30 / 11:00-12:30

9:30 am - 10:30 am - Concurrent Session 7

Room E33 🇬🇧

Alana Jones

The Transformation of a Room and Board (lodging) Facility and its Occupants into Supportive Living

Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff

Resident and Staff Perspectives of the Transformation of a Room and Board (lodging) into a Supportive Living Facility.

Room E42 🇬🇧

Emma Adams

Exploring Trauma and its Impact on Mental Health while Homeless in Coastal Seaside and Urban Settings in North East England

Maria Carmona

An Integrated Approach Introducing Innovative Responses to Prevent and Reduce Homelessness

Room E45 🇬🇧

Julia Woodhall-Melnik

Renovate to Evict: An Analysis of Media Discussions of Housing Vulnerabilities Caused by Renoviction

Kristelle Alunni-Menichini

To Better Understand the Capacities of Individuals Experiencing Homelessness to Promote their Autonomy

Room E36 🇬🇧

Amanda Buchnea

More than a Checkbox? A Critical Documentation of Youth Prioritization and Participation in Community Homelessness Planning

Japkaran Saroya

Young People’s Experiences in Homeless Encampments in Edmonton, Canada

Room E52 🇨🇱

Farías Ana

Propuesta metodológica para la medición de población en situación de calle

Gabriela Rubilar

Razones y lógicas tras el operativo censal de Personas en situación de Calle – Análisis crítico de Censo de Población y Vivienda 2024 y otros conteos en Chile

Room E41 🇬🇧

Sasha Eykyn

Homelessness at the Intersection of Complex Systems: Using Institutional Ethnography to Understand Refugee Homelessness Prevention

Juan Pablo González

Pathways to homelessness of Migrants people in Chile

Room E32 🇨🇱

Roxana Bettoni

Apoyos autodirigidos presupuestos personalizados, un sistema exitoso para prevenir la cronificación del sinhogarismo, basado en la en el poder, la elección y control de la persona

Ana Laura Esquivel-Baudrit

Acompañando desde la escucha: Espacios de Escucha para personas en situación de calle

Break - 30 minutes

10:30 am - 11:00 am

11:00 am - 12:30 pm - Concurrent Session 8

Room E32 🇨🇱

Francisca Grandón Moya

Experiencia calle cero en el Barrio Yungay

Felipe Expósito

Lecciones para la integración de servicios para personas en situación de calle

Caterine Cartagena

Se necesitan viviendas o resguardos callejeros para los ciudadanos habitantes de Calle

Room E52 🇬🇧

Kelly Doran

Addressing a Leading Cause of Death Among People Experiencing Homelessness: Two Studies of Innovative Interventions to Prevent Overdose

Hannah Passmore

Innovations at the Intersection of Homelessness and Substance Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Environmental Scan of Promising Practices

Room E33 🇬🇧

Devin Noel-Harrison

Washington State’s Data-Driven Fight Against Youth Homelessness

Shannen Vallesi

The Compass Outreach Program: Navigating the Path Away from Youth Homelessness

Melissa Perri

Mapping the Needs of Youth at Risk of Homeless through Experiences of Domestic Violence in the Home

Room E41 🇨🇱

Laura Carolina Lavera

Barreras y apoyos auto percibidos para el egreso positivo de la situación de calle

Ricardo Adalberto Hernández Oajaca

El Portal de Comercio en la “Ciudad de Guatemala” como un lugar público para vivir

Gabriel Guzmán Riquelme

Políticas públicas en América Latina para niños, niñas y adolescentes en situación de calle en el contexto de los sistemas de protección integral de derechos

Room E45 🇬🇧

Jayne Malenfant

Rent Banks and Eviction Prevention: Global Lessons in Promising Practices

Bill O'Grady

Homelessness and Social Assistance: A 30 Year Comparative Analysis from Canada

Room E36 🇬🇧

Enrique Hermanus

Transitional Housing: Restoration through Recreation.

Emmy Tiderington

Theorizing Positive Exits from Permanent Supportive Housing

Room E56 🇬🇧

Misha Khan and Michèle Biss

Paving the Way to Housing Justice: Advancing the Right to Housing in Canada

Kristelle Alunni-Menichini

Inclusive Collaborative Activities: Spaces for Reflection, Exchange, and Transformation for Stakeholders

Jordan Babando

Responding to Pandemics and Other Disease Outbreaks in Homeless Populations: A Synthesis of Multi-Study Evidence

Lunch and Travel to Closing Ceremony Venue

12:30 pm - 1:00 pm

Closing Ceremony and Keynote Presentation

General Bustamante 10

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Thank you for attending!

For those of you joining us for agency visits, we’ll see you tomorrow at 8:45 am!