Registration & Poster Setup
8:00 am - 9:30 am
Opening and Welcome
9:30 am - 10:15 am
Break - 15 minutes
10:15 am - 10:30 am
Morning - Concurrent Sessions
10:30 am - 11:30 am - Concurrent Session 1
Room E33 🇬🇧
Negar Shahriariyanehsari
Homelessness and Gender Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa Region
Room E32 ★ 🇬🇧
Arnel M. Borras
Policy-related Homelessness Discourses in Canada: Implications for Nursing Research, Practice, and Advocacy
Paula Rochlitz Quintao
The street population in São Paulo: contributions from the field of Architecture and Urbanism
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
Fiorella Ciapessoni Capandeguy
Situación de calle en Montevideo: derechos humanos, interdisciplinariedad y coparticipación
Santiago Zorrilla de San Martín
Gestión de la pobreza interpelada
Room E41 ★ 🇨🇱
Santiago Bachiller
Imaginarios sobre el espacio público y procesos de expulsión urbana de las personas en situación de calle
Catalina Ramírez Vega
¿Hogar en el espacio público? La experiencia de personas en situación de calle: implicaciones psicosociales
Room E42 🇬🇧
Carrie Anne Marshall
Taking a Functional and Participation Approach to Supporting Individuals Across the Trajectory of Unhoused to Housed: The Bridging the Transition Framework
Daniela Rosu
Empowering Social Workers: Harnessing Knowledge and Data to Improve Client Outcomes
Room E45 🇬🇧
Veronica Llerena
Imagination and Transformation: A Chicago Church Ministry and Community Collaborate to House Migrant Families
Graeme Gardner
What Works at a system-level? Homelessness and rough sleeping in England
Room E36 🇨🇱
Ana Maria Munizaga
Reconceptualization of homelessness: A Radial Concepts Perspective for Public Policies
Mercedes Julia Salgado Moralejo
¿Es posible una política de trabajo primero?
Auditorio 🇬🇧
Nyasha Chatikobo
The extent to which improving livelihoods reduces homelessness in South Africa. A case study of a Homeless Shelter in Johannesburg South Africa
Erdenechimeg Ulziisuren
Reasons of Becoming Homeless in Mongolia
Room E56 🇬🇧
Paulina Tapia
Towards Systems Leadership: Learning and adapting for systemic change to prevent, reduce, and end homelessness in Brisbane, Queensland.
Melanie Lewis Dickerson
Lessons For Ending Homelessness Through Data and Systems Change from Canada, Australia, Denmark, France, the UK, and the US
Poster Presentation Viewing
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm - Concurrent Session 2
Room E32 ★ 🇬🇧
Harry Tan
Understanding stressors across life stages of long-term homeless people in Singapore
Peter Mackie
Placing schools at the centre of homelessness prevention practice
Maia Neff
Collaboration for a multidisciplinary and intersectoral approach to homelessness: a case study on the implementation of a day center in Quebec
Room E33 🇬🇧
Nia Ffion Rees
It Started at Home: A Critical Examination of Family Mediation as an Intervention to Prevent Youth Homelessness
Stephen Gaetz
Preventing Youth Homelessness through Enhancing Family and Natural Supports
Nahoko Okamoto
Status and Challenges of Young People Living in Unstable Housing
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
Jessica Abarca Muñoz
Trato Hecho Vecino: Una experiencia de inclusión sociolaboral de personas en situación de calle desde la vinculación con su entorno comunitario
Agostina Ciampa
Primero el empleo. Un abordaje necesario y posible desde el sur global: reporte de casos
Agustin Galleguillos
Orientando hacia un nuevo horizonte: Experiencia Metodologica para la promoción de la superación de la situación de calle en Santiago de Chile
Room E41 ★ 🇨🇱
Karinna Soto
Vivienda Vincular para personas en situación de calle, una alianza público-privada
Mauricio Lara Martínez
Crisis habitacional, política social y determinaciones sexo-género en las trayectorias habitacionales y políticas de grupos en emergencia habitacional en Santiago de Chile y Berlín-Alemania.
Daniel Solís-Solórzano
Las tensiones en el acompañamiento psicosocial con personas en situación de calle: La mirada de un estudiante
Room E42 🇬🇧
Mark Robinson
Making it Work - Evidencing Outcomes in Diverse Environments
Pim Gregory
Ending Homelessness: The Local Way
Room E45 🇬🇧
Ingrid Berthomieux
Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Integrating Academic and Lived Expertise to Address Homelessness and Improve Health Equity
Haorui Wu
Promoting Homelessness-Inclusive Emergency Response: Homeless Service Agencies Specific Recommendations from Two Municipalities in Nova Scotia, Canada
Victoria Andrade dos Santos
Black Women’s Health Care Practices Street Situation
Room E36 🇬🇧
Kirin Raynor Taylor
Typology of Regime Type & Civil Society Influence on Homelessness
Lígia Teixeira
Evidence Powered Change: The Journey of the Centre for Homelessness Impact
Auditorio 🇬🇧
D. Keith McInnes
Preventing Homelessness among Individuals Leaving Incarceration and Returning to Community
Jean-Ray Knighton Fitt
Mi-Change Vouchers – A citywide mechanism to reduce begging and for the community to refer people experiencing homelessness to support services
Room E56 🇬🇧
Silvia Maria Schor
Population of Young Adults Experiencing Homelessness: Diversity and Subgroups
Sandra Guillory
College Student Homelessness: Addressing the Housing, Social and Emotional Needs of Young People
Break - 30 minutes
2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm - Concurrent Session 3
Room E32 ★ 🇬🇧
Gabriela Milaré Camargo
Interrogating Policy Discourse on Children in Street Situations in Kampala, Uganda
Stephen Gaetz
Does Housing First for Youth (HF4Y) Work? Emerging 24-month Findings of the HF4Y Pilot Study in Canada
Julia Wagner
Transforming Data into Action: Insights from Three Global Cities
Room E33 🇬🇧
Mark McGreevy
On The Move: An Analysis of the Shifting Dynamics of Migration and Homelessness
Marie McGregor Pitawankwat
Intersectionality: Indigenous Land Rights and Housing as a Human Right
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
Pia Venegas
Programa De Atención De Salud Prehospitalaria Para Personas En Situación De Calle: Un Modelo Efectivo Para Mejorar Cobertura
Thomas Batzenschlager
Vivienda primero a la chilena. Solucions habitaciones innovadoras
Room E41 ★ 🇨🇱
Florencia Montes Paez, Jorgelina Di Iorio, Carolina Llanos
Principios transfeministas para el acompañamiento de personas en situación de calle / Transfeminist Principles for the Accompaniment of Homeless People
Alí Ruiz Coronel
Sonríe y te diré quién eres/ Smile, and I'll tell who you are
Francisco José Rojas Arenas
Expanding the Impact of Startups on Homelessness
Room E42 🇬🇧
Ali Hariri
Comprehensive Support Services for Homeless Outreach Organizations
Guillermo Rodriguez
Test & Learn Programme: Using Evidence to Advance Solutions for a Future Without Homelessness
Room E45 🇬🇧
Justine Adams
Homelessness Prevention and Intervention for Women Who've Had Children Removed
Cheryl Forchuk
No Fixed Address – Youth (NFA-Y): Preventing Hospital Discharge to Homelessness for Youth
Room E36 🇬🇧
Khater Muhajir
Filling in the Gaps: Examining the Prevalence of Black Homelessness in Canada
Tamara Kuehne
Exploring Decarceral Practices in Housing and Homelessness Work
Auditorio 🇬🇧
Noel Concepción
Successfully Reducing Homelessness in The Bronx
Luke Oates
Enabling Strategic Insights for Street Homelessness in London
Room E56 🇬🇧
Citi Foundation
Elliot Harris, Yvonne Lim, Ligia Teixeira, Graeme Gardner, Claire Fletcher, Manuel Pallares, Cristina Latore, Jean Ray Knighton Fitt, Cecilia Muñoz, Victoria Aguiló, Daniela Orrego, Samantha Flores, Alberto Salas Zúñiga, Diana Cortese
Innovations in Addressing Homelessness from Around the World (1.5 Hours)
Evening - Social Event
4:30 pm