Morning - Concurrent Sessions
9:30-10:30 / 11:00-12:30
9:30 am - 10:30 am - Concurrent Session 4
Room E32 ★ 🇨🇱
Jorgelina Di Iorio
Violencias hacia personas en situación de calle: aspectos instrumentales y éticos del Registro Unificado de Violencias en Argentina
Noelia Correa
Los baños robados. Una propuesta laboral desde y hacia personas en situación de calle
Room E33 🇬🇧
Ramya Ramanath
Delineating Pathways into Homelessness Among Forced Migrants: Lessons from a Multi-Country Implementation Analysis
Meabh Savage
Exploring Long-Term Homelessness for Minority Ethnic Families and the Effects on their Children in Ireland
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
David Salinas
Caracterización, Factores Pronósticos Y Mortalidad En Personas En Situación De Calle
Karinna Soto Abarca
Percepción pública de las personas en situación de calle
Room E41 ★ 🇬🇧
Jonathan Hopkins
What is Needed to Run an Effective Graded Work-Based Rehabilitation Programme for People Experiencing Homelessness
Lin Chen-Wei
Directly Providing Works for the Homelessness: Taipei Yo-Wash Care Association and its Social Impacts in Taiwan
Room E42 🇨🇱
Caroline dos Santos Pereira
Río de Janeiro: perspectivas sobre la red de atención a la población sin hogar
Room E45 🇬🇧
Christian Harvey
Using Program Delivery to Fulfill Non-Profits' Responsibility to Systemic Advocacy
Indu Prakash Singh
Addressing Homelessness: The Indian Way - 1999 Onwards
Room E36 🇨🇱
María Agostina Ciampa
¿Cómo lograr el egreso de la situación de calle? Necesidades identificadas por personas sin hogar
Juan Antonio Del Monte Madrigal
El vórtice de precarización, el continuo de violencias y la muerte lenta en la vida callejera en la frontera norte de México
Room E31 🇬🇧
Kathleen Van Voorhis
Understanding the Nexus between Childhood ACE Trauma Scores and Homelessness: A Call for Trauma-Informed Care
Michael Ungar
Youth Transitions from Child Welfare to Stable or Precarious Living Conditions: A Mixed Methods Longitudinal Study of Risk and Protective Factors
Room E56 🇬🇧
Molly Brown
Tenant-Identified Considerations for Accepting a Coordinated Entry Housing Referral
Naomi Nichols
Change-Oriented Research from the Frontlines of Canada’s Municipal Responses to Homelessness
Break - 30 minutes
10:30 am - 11:00 am
11:00 am - 12:30 pm - Concurrent Session 5
Room E32 ★ 🇬🇧
William Patrick Porter
Re-Imagining: Meeting the Moment with Emergency Shelter Leadership in Supportive & Affordable Housing Expansion
Lilian Ong
Developing innovative shelters to end homelessness in Singapore
Fiorella Ciapessoni Capandeguy
Struggling with Victimization, and Community Banishment: Spells of Homelessness, and Penal System Experiences
Room E33 🇬🇧
Catherine Flynn
Exiting a Context of Violence and Preventing a Transition to Homelessness - A Longitudinal Study to Better Understand the Trajectories of Women who have Stayed in an Emergency Shelter
Patricia O'Campo and Pearl Buhariwala
Implementation Evaluation of Safe at Home Program in Hamilton, Canada
Arthur Sadami
The Role of Constitutional Courts in Adjudicating Homeless Rights: A Comparative Assessment
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
Nadia Barreto Blanco
Mucho, poquito, nada: políticas sociales dirigidas a personas en situación de calle desde una perspectiva de género
Itziar Gandarias Goikoetxea
Una Aproximación al Sinhogarismo Encubierto en Mujeres en Situación de Exclusión Social Grave
Allison Arias
Personas lgbtq+ en situación de calle
Room E41 ★ - Symposium 🇨🇱
Fran Calvo
Niñez y juventud en situación de sinhogarismo: detección de los desafíos y fomento de propuestas para su abordaje
Malena Lenta
“Rescatate”: el lugar del cuidado en adolescentes en situación de calle
Silvia Torrego
Discriminación interseccional en personas en situación sin hogar: Identificación de perfiles en una muestra
Sonia Panadero
Jóvenes en situación sin hogar: Situación, características y necesidades de las personas que llegan a la situación sin hogar en su juventud
Bárbara Contreras Montero
¿Jóvenes en riesgo de sinhogarismo? Menores tutelados en España.
Room E42 🇬🇧
Molly Turrell
Navigating Sexual and Reproductive Health Decision-Making while Homeless: A Lived Experience Study
Jacqui Theobald
Supporting Mothers and Babies Experiencing Homelessness
Khulud Baig
Claiming the Human Right to Housing Under the Canadian Legislation on Housing as Human Right
Room E36 🇬🇧
Carrie Anne Marshall
The Peer to Community (P2C) Model: A Pilot Study of a Novel Approach to Supporting Community Integration Following Homelessness
Leigh Zachary Bursey
A Case Study on Supportive Housing As A Humanitarian Solution for Senior Homelessness
Room E45 🇬🇧
Milena Sapey
Situación de calle y salud mental: padecimientos y cuidados en las vidas de personas adultas que experimentan la situación de calle
Room E31 🇬🇧
Ashley Wilkinson
Systems of Marginalization: Understanding the Intersection of Race and Homelessness as Barriers to Health Care Access
Joe Hermer
Mapping Anti-Homeless Policing in the Extreme Climate of Prince George, British Columbia
Olivia Mancini
Nowhere to Go: A Parallel Convergent Mixed Methods Study Examining the Health of People who Experience Emergency Shelter Service Restrictions
Room E56 🇬🇧
Carrie B. Sanders
Bridging Divides: A Documentary on Perceptions of Homelessness in Mid-Size Canadian Cities (1.5 hours)
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Afternoon Sessions
Thematic Discussions 1:30-3:00 / Concurrent Sessions 3:30-5:00
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm - Thematic Discussions
Room E32 ★ 🇨🇱
Isabel Lacalle
La voz de la experiencia, desde las personas en situacion de calle Nuestra Casa (1 hour)
Room E33 🇬🇧
Alex Nelson
Lived Expertise
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
Florencia Montes Paez, Jorgelina Di Iorio, Isabel de la Calle
“Acompañar es político. Ensayo transfeminista sobre la situación de calle” publicado por abduciendo ediciones, el proyecto editorial de No Tan Distintes – Mujeres y Disidencias en Situación de calle”
Room E41 ★ 🇬🇧
Ignacio Eismann
Latin America and Migration
Room E42 🇬🇧
Paul Ryan
Homelessness and Participatory Photography
Room E45 🇬🇧
Abe Oudshoorn
Global Research Collaboration
Room E36 🇬🇧
Meabh Savage
In Her Eyes: Centering Women's Lived Experiences
Break - 30 minutes
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm - Concurrent Session 6
Room E32 ★ 🇵🇹
Jeane Freitas de Oliveira
Homeless Women In Northeast Brazil: Fear And Discrimination
Nadirlene Pereira Gomes
Care for Homeless People in Adult Care Units in Salvador, Bahia-Brazil
Lydia Stazen and Yamitza Yuivar Villarreal
A Global Review of Latin American National Policies/Legislation on Homelessness
Room E33 🇬🇧
Alex Nelson
Revolutionary Care and Hope: Insights from the Lived Experience Movement in Canada's Housing and Homelessness Sector
Jayne Malenfant
Learning from Lived Experience: Mobilizing Community Knowledge to Foster Housing Justice/Aprendiendo por Vivencias: mobilización de conocimiento comunitario para fomentar la justicia de la vivienda
Room E52 ★ 🇨🇱
Camila Estigarribia
Corporalidades que habitan la calle
Juan Carlos Celis González
Espacios Que Se Resisten A Sistemas Que Abandonan Territorios, Redes Y Actores Comunitarios Para La Habitabilidad De Calle
Walter Ferreira
¿TRANSFORMACIONES O SIMULACROS? Calle, cultura y trabajo con perspectiva anti racista Casa de Sueños, Uruguay
Room E41 ★ 🇨🇱
Giovanna Fidelis Chrispiano
Homelessness in São Paulo and the Reencontro Program
Mario Veliz Tapia
Política Comunal Situación de Calle
Rebecca Schiff
Counting the Undercounted: The Prevalence and Scope of Rural Homelessness in Canada
Room E42 🇬🇧
Katie Hail-Jares
Youth Couchsurfing: A Review of What We Know & A Pathway for Learning More
Sue-Ann MacDonald
Solidarity and Citizenship: The Missing Pieces of Youth Homelessness Prevention
Gui Tardif
Youth, Homelessness and Diversity: How International and Local Tendencies Affect Experience of Housing Precarity Amongst LGBT+ Youth in Montreal
Room E45 🇬🇧
Nicolas Spallanzani-Sarrasin
Criminalization, Control and Young People’s Transition Away from Homelessness
Tyler Frederick
Longitudinal Transitions Away From Homelessness for Young People
Room E36 🇬🇧
Francisco Urrutia
Estimating and Understanding Hidden Homelessness: Lessons Learned for a Municipal Approach on Data Collection for Upstream Solutions.
David Guertin
Avenues to Enhance Intervention and Services for People Experiencing Residential Instability, Age-Related Loss of Autonomy and Substance Use
Room E56 🇬🇧
Alison L. Grittner
Sensing Supportive Shelter/Housing Through the Eyes and Stories of Older Adults with Experiences of Homelessness
Christine Walsh
Translating Arts-based Research with Older Homeless Adults to Housing Policy: A Case Example of the Aging in the Right Place Project
Evening - "The Land of Tents"
Book launch and talk with the author, Karinna Soto.
6:00 pm - End